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A Tale of Two Men

November 2, 2009

Well, actually one man and one narcissistic man-child.  I read this article today at Red State. It brought me to tears; tears of sadness and outrage.

President Bush would come into the room, make a few short remarks and then meet with families. In every instance he would talk to individual family members about anything they wanted to talk about, he never rushed them and he stayed until the families suggested he should talk to someone else. There was always a White House photographer present to take pictures that were made available ONLY to the families. Repeat, O.N.L.Y. the families. The press was NEVER present. There was NEVER an announcement from the White House that the President was meeting with the families of the fallen nor were they ever recognized publicly at the event. Their privacy, and their loss, was always respected.

Which brings me to the self-serving bastard who occupies the White House today. He went to Dover. One might think it was to pay respect to the fallen coming home. Wrong. It was for a G*d damn photo op. He took the White House Press Corps with him and made his visit about him.<snip>wafflingonmilitary

Remember when we had a President who cared more about the troops and other people than himself? That was cool.  Evidently, that is not something Obama “inherited” from Bush.  I feel so totally old school, believing in silly stuff, like the President should be the Commander in Chief and should make that more of a priority than his own ego and popularity.  This is Hopeandchange, baby! Progress! Read Full Story Here

3 Comments leave one →
  1. Reiuxcat permalink
    November 3, 2009 9:49 am

    Obama is a self serving twit! Everything he does is meant to make him feel better about himself. (I hear the Halloween candy M&M’s had his signature on each piece.)

    If Obama every came upon an emergency situation, like a severe car crash, I could guaranatee you he would not stop to help unless there were witnesses and a TV camera around.

  2. November 3, 2009 1:15 pm

    Ugh. Despite all the evidence that such hope was forlorn, I reserved judgment until after the fact. Even f***ing Clinton was more respectful of those in uniform and a better CINC. And I had that fool as a Commander in Chief during the first part of my time in, so I know how bad he was.

    Obama is a classless jackass, trying to exploit the sacrifices of his betters for political gain. NOW, and only now, I hate him

  3. wonkette permalink
    November 7, 2009 8:37 am

    Why does Obama have to run his WH like BWG Bush? Obama is his own man and can make is own rules; of course, we all know that Obama is a bit too full of himself; he likes all the publicity he is getting — what with the Presidential nomination, Presidential win, Nobel Prize, etc. The fact that he didn’t turn down the Nobel Prize (he could have) tells me much about his ego-centered narcissistic personality. I don’t fault him; most introverts don’t become POTUS (gawd, I hate that abbreviation).

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