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Breaking (for the last 20 years): Bush women think for themselves

June 14, 2010

Laura and Barbara (the younger) Bush, public figures/private citizens, both gave interviews recently which veered from the planks in the Republican platform that partisans on both sides love to beat us over the head with.  Naturally, the left sees this as them coming out as liberals and a big deal. 

 Barbara Bush, public figure/private citizen, is the president of something called the Global Health Corps.  Mission statement:  “Global Health Corps (GHC) aims to mobilize a global community of young leaders to build a movement for health equity.”  Cue 30 year old Coke commercial.

Not surprisingly, based on that statement, Ms. Bush leans left on healthcare, and a small sound bite from her recent appearance on Fox News Sunday confirms it.

“Why do, basically, people with money have good health care and why do people who live on lower salaries not have good health care.  Health should be a right for everyone.”  That statement was regarding the issue of global healthcare.  Later on, when asked specifically about Obamacare, she said, “I guess I’m glad the bill was passed”.

She thinks healthcare is a right, which is really what many believe the healthcare debate boils down to.  (Actually, it’s about the difference between access to healthcare and who pays your bill).  It should be noted that Bushette has never publicly declared a party affiliation.

 The rest of the Yahoo article was about Laura Bush being pro Elena Kagan, pro gay marriage and pro-choice (according to the writer, Rachel Rose Hartman).

On Kagan: “I think it’s great.  I’m really glad that there will be three [women] if she’s confirmed. I like to have women on the Supreme Court.”  This isn’t a surprise, she expressed this ridiculous sentiment about having women on the Supreme Court for the sake of having women on the Supreme Court before.

Hartman then links to Richard Adams at The Guardian, who links to an appearance Laura Bush made on Larry King is still alive (h/t Laura Ingraham) where she expresses rather moderate positions on gay marriage and abortion, but Adams runs with it.

On gay marriage: “Well, I think we ought to definitely look at it and debate it. I think there are a lot of people who have trouble coming to terms with that because they see marriage as traditionally between a man and a woman. But I also know that, you know, when couples are committed to each other and love each other, that they ought to have I think the same sort of rights that everyone has.” I completely agree, and I’ve written about my own sensible and politically improbable solution before.

On abortion (rather vaguely):  “I think it’s important that it remain legal, because I think it’s important for people, for medical reasons and other reasons.”  If she’s saying abortion should remain legal in cases of rape, incest and the life (which is different from “the health”) of the mother then many Conservative women, myself included, agree.  Which doesn’t mean that because we’re content with it remaining legal in those cases we would counsel a friend in that situation to abort their child.  In my case, it means that after 30 years of talking in circles while millions of Americans were killed in the womb I’m willing to go hypocrite to prevent the majority of abortions which are not due to rape, incest or maternal health. 

Bush women making political waves is nothing new.  I submit, the matriarch with the mouth and one of my personal heroes, Barbara Bush the elder, aka Shecky:

In 1984, on vice-presidential candidate and future PUMA, Geraldine Ferraro, “I can’t say it, but it rhymes with rich.”  LOL

During the 1992 Presidential campaign she referred to abortion as a “personal thing” and said,  “The personal things should be left out of, in my opinion, platforms and conventions.”  The same kind of people that think that makes Barbara Bush pro-choice think that Abraham Lincoln was really a Democrat.

She also defended Bill Clinton’s defective pants by saying, “He never denied he had a fling, did he?”  (This was before he wound up denying, re-defining and kind of eventually admitting in his own weird way all kinds of things he did with and without his pants.)

Then there were her unfortunate, yet based in fact, remarks after her son caused Hurricane Katrina“What I’m hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality,” she said at the time. “And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them.”

My point?  I don’t remember.  But the bottom line is that none of these women are relevant to national politics today, and even if they were they’re not obligated to support every plank in their party of choice’s platform.  None of us are.  Unlike women on the left, who face ostracism for veering from NOW’s talking points, Conservative women are actually empowered to form their own opinions and to share, or not share, them with the world.

Speaking of bottom lines, I vowed long ago to never let an opportunity to post this bikini pic of Barbara Bush go by again.  What a hottie!

Barbara Bush is better looking than you.


And speaking of what’s relevant in national politics today…

crossposted at KillTruck and POWIP

30 Comments leave one →
  1. Molten permalink
    June 15, 2010 1:20 am

    I hate to break this to you, but simply by virtue of having the last name “Bush”…ALL of these women are more relevant to national politics today than you are, Killtruck. That’s why what they say gets national media attention, and what you say doesn’t.

    Here’s the money quote: “Unlike women on the left, who face ostracism for veering from NOW’s talking points, Conservative women are actually empowered to form their own opinions and to share, or not share, them with the world.”

    Once again, you show that your view of women in general is so narrow that you believe liberal women dare not form their own opinions and express them for fear of being ostracized by…by I don’t know who…Can you tell me who does the ostracizing of opinionated women on the left?

    Certainly no one on the right would attempt to ostracize the “Bushette” for claiming that healthcare is a “right”…and for supporting the passage of Obamacare..

    Uh huh.

  2. killtruck permalink
    June 15, 2010 10:41 am

    “I hate to break this to you, but simply by virtue of having the last name “Bush”…ALL of these women are more relevant to national politics today than you are, Killtruck.”

    When you’ve got nothing else attack the messenger, OK.

    “Once again, you show that your view of women in general is so narrow that you believe liberal women dare not form their own opinions and express them for fear of being ostracized by…by I don’t know who…Can you tell me who does the ostracizing of opinionated women on the left?”

    Just one example would be that pro-life women are not welcome in modern feminism. Feminists for Life has been officially banned from major feminist events. And for your information, I used to be a liberal woman until I truly started thinking for myself, so I have quite a bit of relevance and credibility on this topic.

    “Certainly no one on the right would attempt to ostracize the “Bushette” for claiming that healthcare is a “right”…and for supporting the passage of Obamacare..”

    I’m certainly not. My original motivation to write this post was to defend her. Gee, me not sticking to my partisan talking points must really throw a wrench in your talking points. I apologize.

  3. macleod permalink
    June 15, 2010 12:15 pm

    Well, Miss Bush seems to me embody the old saying, ” if you’re not a democrat when your 20, you have no heart. If your not a republican by the time your 40, you’ve made no money”. This unthinking little twit is typical of what you find coming out of college with zero life experience, and having achieved nothing, produced nothing and contributed nothing. Hopefully, life will rough her up a bit and take some of the shiny naivete off of her. Until then her opinion is just so much hot air She reminds me of The Obamamessiah and his brand of magical thinking.

    • killtruck permalink
      June 15, 2010 12:24 pm

      Well, I actually think her heart is in the right place. This all comes from trips she made to Africa with her mother during her father’s presidency. Her solutions are naive and short-sighted though.

      • Molten permalink
        June 15, 2010 1:17 pm

        Naive and short-sighted?

        I don’t think that “Bushette” can take much more of your “defending her,” Killtruck.

        • killtruck permalink
          June 15, 2010 2:26 pm

          I can defend her from being ostracized from the right altogether, while disagreeing with her on one particular issue.

          That was the point of the whole post, which you’re still proficient at missing.

          • Molten permalink
            June 15, 2010 3:21 pm

            Write much?

            • killtruck permalink
              June 15, 2010 3:57 pm

              Not as much as I’d like.

          • Molten permalink
            June 15, 2010 4:59 pm

            The point of your post was to say that she has a right to her opinion, and you’ll defend her on that, but the fact that you disagree with her on one paticular issue means that her opinion is irrelevant to the discussion…Got it!

  4. Molten permalink
    June 15, 2010 1:03 pm

    I said:

    “I hate to break this to you, but simply by virtue of having the last name “Bush”…ALL of these women are more relevant to national politics today than you are, Killtruck.”

    Killtruck says:

    “When you’ve got nothing else attack the messenger, OK.”…

    What you consider to be an “attack,” I consider to be be a statement of obvious fact.

    Can you honestly say that my statement is wrong on any level? No.

    This is why you fall back on the “victim” mentality…You can’t directly refute my statement, and the truth hurts, so you claim that I’m “attacking” you to attempt to discredit the entire statement out of hand.

    Look at the big bad progressive guy attacking the innocent conservative girl. Pity the poor conservative girl.

    I’m on to you.

    You’re not “defending” any of the Bush women by saying that “the bottom line is that none of these women are ridiculous sentiment “…How exactly does calling these women irrelevent to the political discussion bolster your case that “My original motivation to write this post was to defend her.”??

    I guess conservative women are empowered to form their own opinions, but if they differ from your opinions they are called “Bushette” (young Barbara) and their opinions deemed “ridiculous sentiment” (Laura Bush) before calling the whole lot of them not “relevant to national politics today.”


    Then you say:

    “Just one example would be that pro-life women are not welcome in modern feminism. Feminists for Life has been officially banned from major feminist events. And for your information, I used to be a liberal woman until I truly started thinking for myself, so I have quite a bit of relevance and credibility on this topic.”

    Ahhhh…ok…I guess I was thrown by your words “Unlike women on the left, who face ostracism for veering from NOW’s talking points”…I didn’t realize that that you were talking specifically about the issue of abortion there, because feminism encompasses a large range of issues relating to women, freedom of choice being only one of them.

    Maybe in the future you could say “liberal feminists” instead of the blanket term “women on the left” because, believe it or not, all women on the left are not pro-choice, and all women on the left don’t consider themselves feminists either. The same goes for conservative women.

    If you want your new conservative feminism to catch on, you really need to give some level of respect to all females.

    But that wont happen, will it? Because your new conservative feminism is about only one issue…Abortion.

    By the way, I also take issue with you saying that Bush “caused” Katrina…He didn’t cause it, he just made a mess of the aftermath.

    • killtruck permalink
      June 15, 2010 2:27 pm

      What time does Nurse Ratchet come by with the jello? I think you’re blood sugar is low.

      • Molten permalink
        June 15, 2010 2:57 pm

        That was an attack…Now that we have 2 examples, you should be able to tell the difference between a statement of obvious fact and a personal attack.

      • Molten permalink
        June 15, 2010 3:07 pm

        I do enjoy the fact that you can’t counter any of my arguments, Killtruck. I think it’s funny that you need to resort to implying that I’m institutionalized for you to feel better about me pointing out the myriad inconsistencies in your thought process. It means that I’ve won this debate. You’re speechless.

        • killtruck permalink
          June 15, 2010 3:56 pm

          I’ve countered all of your arguments.

          I will commend you on having the Media Matters playbook for making an ass of yourself all over the internet memorized.

          I’m not speechless, I just have a life. If you expect me to sit here and hit refresh every 30 seconds waiting for your next delusion you’re going to be disappointed.

          Here, I’ll throw you a bone. I find you stupid and crazy. That’s a personal attack AND a statement of fact.

          • Molten permalink
            June 15, 2010 4:22 pm

            Typical conservative reply. Better luck next time.

            • killtruck permalink
              June 15, 2010 6:00 pm

              What is it you said about me having a narrow minded view of liberals?

              • Molten permalink
                June 15, 2010 6:46 pm

                Woman…I said you have a narrow minded view of women, and you do. You’re typically conservativein your response because you fail to see the inconsistencies in your writing, and when called on it, you immediately resort to name calling to deflect from the reality that you can’t justify your own words.

                • killtruck permalink
                  June 15, 2010 7:27 pm

                  That’s nice. You really know a lot about me.

  5. Molten permalink
    June 15, 2010 1:07 pm

    Bad paste job…that paragraph above should read:

    You’re not “defending” any of the Bush women by saying that “the bottom line is that none of these women are not relevant to national politics today “…How exactly does calling these women irrelevent to the political discussion bolster your case that “My original motivation to write this post was to defend her.”??

  6. Molten permalink
    June 15, 2010 1:13 pm


    Could you be a conservative attempting to otracize Bushette for her opinions?

    Yes, I think he is!

    Wonders never cease.

  7. macleod permalink
    June 15, 2010 1:21 pm

    She’s been insloated by family wealth and influence, just like her father, her entire lfe . I think we all accept as a given that there was funny business regarding how her dad stayed out of Viet Nam( regardless of howsilly the whole rathergate situationwas). There was funny business that kept Pat Robertson out of combat in Korea, Al Gore out of combat in Viet Nam. Any of us who went through the draft lottery at the time know this. It’s just mildly offensive to have someone who’s done NOTHING in her life, spew opinions like she knows anything. I teach collge students and they are almost always “world stupid”, unless they are older and have some life experience.

  8. macleod permalink
    June 15, 2010 2:03 pm

    I don’t care about her opinions, or her last name. She is identical to most of the empty-headed, ” feelings first” people that I deal with at the college. I think her opinions will be more interesting, and better informed in 20 years or so. If not, regardless of name, gender or family influence, she will be still be irrelevant.

    • Molten permalink
      June 15, 2010 2:59 pm

      You sound like a hell of a teacher.

      • macleod permalink
        June 15, 2010 4:58 pm

        Yes, I am. And a helluva of doctor as well, who has taken of folks in the middle east, far east, central and south america. You can come join me in Chad this summer in the 130 degree temp. in the refugee camps. When you’ve done something useful, instead of tossing ” i’m so stupid” bombs, then I’ll repect your opinion

        • Molten permalink
          June 15, 2010 5:19 pm

          Dude…First of all, I never called you stupid until now. The reason I’m calling you stupid now is because you thought I called you stupid earlier, and you assume that everyone is useless except for yourself. I don’t respect your opinions one iota, and I don’t expect you to ever respect mine. You’re not a doctor or a teacher, you’re just a guy who likes to argue and boast about himself online.

          • killtruck permalink
            June 15, 2010 6:01 pm

            ” You’re not a doctor or a teacher, you’re just a guy who likes to argue and boast about himself online.”

            Who is?

            • Molten permalink
              June 15, 2010 6:56 pm

              I readily admit that I like a good debate online, and I like to share my opinions with others. I’ll argue, but I prefer to keep arguments civil if possible. You’ll not see me boasting about my education, profession, military service, or wife and kids in any of my posts. I was hoping that you’d engage in a reasonable debate, Killtruck, but that was obviously too much to expect from you. You crumble like a stale cookie when challenged.

              • killtruck permalink
                June 15, 2010 7:36 pm

                This isn’t debate club, it’s my blog post, and you’re allowed to comment at the pleasure of the owner of this site.

                And since with each reply your inexplicable hostility is replaced with feigned objectivty I submit that the only crumbled cookie here is you.

                I’ll let you have the last word so you can go upstairs and tell your mom you “won”.

  9. Molten permalink
    June 16, 2010 3:40 am

    The last word is “misologist”…Which describes Killtruck perfectly.

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