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Women Can Have It All? Only If You Abort, Claim Pro-Abortion Feminists

April 22, 2010

My latest posty for NewsReal:

Last week, an ad campaign aimed at helping women learn about post-abortion syndrome exposed the fact that modern day Feminists rejoice at abortion for convenience and that they are anything but “pro-women”. I wrote about it here and those same feminists, and others, were none too pleased with me.

While they blatantly ignored my point regarding post-abortion syndrome and the damage it does to women, they actually ended up merely validating my claims and confirming that they do, in fact, rejoice at the aborting of a child for convenience sake. With their rationalizations (term used loosely) for the same, they also exposed that they are not just pro-abortion, but they are also misogynists who believe that pregnant women and Mothers are somehow non-functional and disabled.

Jessica Valenti of Feministing and Amanda Marcotte, previously chief blogger for John Edwards’ Presidential campaign, both tried, and failed, to refute my points. Instead, they dug themselves deeper. Marcotte must be used to sinking low, having worked for John Edwards. No wonder she thinks he’s such a great guy; by all accounts, he tried to get his mistress to abort their child. Hey, a baby was inconvenient to his hopes and career plans. That makes him aces in Marcotte’s book!

They both latched onto one phrase in my original post; a phrase that had little to do with the key issue. Jessica Valenti writes:

Going to college is a matter of “convenience”? Really? Women want higher education for “co-ed fun”?

It isn’t that anti-choicers don’t understand why women get abortions – it’s that they care so little about women’s lives that any reason given to obtain an abortion is seen as “convenient.” [snip]

So yeah, I guess I would “rejoice” over women obtaining abortions when it’s convenient. (The inaccessibility of abortion for too many women makes actual rejoicing impossible.) Whether it’s for health, financial, and educational reasons – or simply not wanting to have a child yet – it would absolutely thrill me if women’s life decisions were respected, accepted and supported.  But instead, we live in a world where a woman’s desire for something as basic as education is mocked as selfish.  And we’re the ones who are “anti-woman”?  I think not.

Or simply not wanting to have a child yet. Silly me. I thought that if you didn’t want to have a child, one would use birth control or, you know, not have sex. When does that choice come into play, Jessica? It seems to me that you are the “anti-choicer” because you don’t believe that women can possibly be smart enough to act responsibly and make choices all on her very own.

Marcotte went one further and called me “grim” and “unhinged”:

Anti-choice blogger Lori Ziganto completely lost it at the suggestion that a woman might have a good reason to go to college and get an education, dropping the sexually charged word “co-ed” and hinting that college was just about having fun.  Sexy, sexy fun.  Ziganto seems to imagine that there isn’t much to women besides that which happens in or around their uteruses, so if they aren’t baby-making, then they’re sleeping around. . .

It’s mind-boggling to think of how grim a person you must be to come so unhinged at the idea of college kids having some fun, but more than that, it was startling how naked Ziganto’s contempt for women’s education was.  Most anti-choicers know better than to just lay it out there like that.  Most of them, you have to judge by their actions.  But even by that measure, it’s easy to see this belief that women’s minds and well-being are irrelevant is built in to anti-choice policy ideals.

Sigh. I honestly don’t know if they truly are that dense or if they are just being willfully ignorant.  It’s hilarious how they are constantly projecting. Obsessed with uteruses? Check! Turn everything into something sexual? Check!

Firstly, they should lose the chips on their shoulder and instead learn a little something called tongue in cheek.  I suppose that they don’t get the concept of levity, since they are constant grievance mongers and Debbie Downers who thrive on anger and a sense of victim-hood. Also, when did the term co-ed become “sexually charged”? Isn’t that a normal term for college students? Plus, I thought the sexes were exactly the same? Typical narrative from modern day Feminists; try to paint anyone who doesn’t share your “sexual empowerment” beliefs as some sort of puritanical prude.

Secondly, there is no “non-fun” reason not to be able to attend college if pregnant or a mother. Pregnancy or a child doesn’t stop you from being able to attend class or, you know, read. Both Valenti and Marcotte are claiming that a pregnant woman is somehow non-functional, incapable of thought and disabled to the point where she can’t attend college while pregnant – or even after having a child.

Thus, Feminists believe that pregnant women or Moms do not belong in college. How can they function in the workplace either, then, if they can’t even crack a book or sit in a classroom while pregnant or while mothering a child? Feminists think Moms are dumb, incapable, non-functional and should be secluded from the rest of society, apparently. You’ve come a long way, baby!

You see, their misogynistic modern day feminist beliefs have taught them that pregnancy is an illness and that having a baby is a punishment – our own President furthered that belief. They do not believe a woman can, or should, have it all. They believe that motherhood is a detriment when, in reality, it is an attribute and an accomplishment in and of itself. One that is worth way more and has far more true meaning than anything else. In fact, it’s priceless.

I’ve said before that one day I hope to take back the term Feminist, as it has been bastardized beyond any recognizable meaning. I lied. I’m doing it now. I am a Feminist. These women are not. They are, at best, Faux Feminists and, at worst, misogynists. In fact, I think they require a new term: Fem-ogynists.

True feminists, including the earliest leaders of the women’s movement, were, and are, Pro-Life. Pro-Life is Pro-Woman. Susan B. Anthony was Pro-Life, as was one of the authors of the original Equal Rights Amendment. I’ll refresh the memories of the Fem0gynists: her name was Alice Paul and she said “Abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women.”

She was right. Little did she know just how far the exploitation would reach and just how many lies would be told to achieve the exploitation of millions of women and the death of 50 million babies. Finally, at long last, more and more women are seeing through the lies. They aren’t good little robotic Stepford Feminists who can delusionally deny the very real immense guilt and deep pain resulting from the aborting of one’s own child; they are real women. With real feelings and real emotions. They are women with souls and with the strength to truly have it all.

I know this, because I know them and I listen to them. Women from all walks of life have reached out to me to thank me for speaking for them. Some have thanked me for simply being a human being and acknowledging the pain and guilt that they are living with their entire lives, some have shared their stories and others have thanked me for being “brave.” The fact that it is considered brave to speak out against the modern day Feminist/Femogynist not only makes me incredibly sad, but it speaks volumes.

See, the Femogynists do not empower women, but rather exploit them. They have taken the miracle of life, that only we can create, and have made it expendable. On purpose. Worse, they’ve tried, and partially succeeded through coercive fear tactics, in often making that the default option. They have taught a generation that they are supposed to abort an inconvenient child, that they can’t be “equal” unless they avoid being punished by a pesky baby.

They play the victim card incessantly, but they aren’t victims. They are the victimizers. Marcotte said:

If there’s ever a conflict between the baby-making functions and a woman’s hopes, dreams, responsibilities, or well-being, the former will always win with anti-choicers.

There’s the difference right there. We believe there is no conflict.

A baby does not crush a woman’s hopes, dreams or well-being. Motherhood enhances your life in ways that can’t even fully be described. A woman can have it all, and should. That’s what we “unhinged, ant-choicers” know.

By the way, Miss Valenti and Miss Marcotte, I wrote this while on a break from home schooling my child. You see, not only can a Mother obtain an education herself, but she can *gasp* educate others. That’s a concept lost on Fem-ogynists like yourselves, apparently.

(Originally posted at NewsReal); Cross-posted at RedState and Right Wing News)

24 Comments leave one →
  1. killtruck permalink
    April 22, 2010 5:20 pm

    The notion that if a young woman bears a child she can’t finish school or reach any other goal is also insulting to women.

    Great follow up, Toots.

    • Lori Ziganto permalink*
      April 23, 2010 9:52 pm

      Precisely. And thanks, cupcake! 🙂

  2. flipster48 permalink
    April 22, 2010 5:37 pm

    Our daughter graduated hs 2 months after giving birth her sr year. 5 yrs later she finished college and bought a house as a single mom. Couldn’t be prouder of her. Now married, her daughter is headed to college thi fall.

  3. April 22, 2010 6:26 pm

    You go, lady! The brightest engineer in my class was pregnant, and we all went to her for help with homework. I think she only got better after she had her little girl, because she was focused on supporting the child.

  4. April 22, 2010 8:38 pm

    Personally, I became a MUCH MUCH better manager and my career took off after I had kids. I learned to think of others AND be successful. Yes folks, she can walk and chew gum at the same time!
    My motto: “In 100 years no one will know or care what my title or job was – but the impact I have on my kids and grandkids will be felt through the generations.” Ask the vast majority of 20 somethings what Lilian Helman wrote and they’ll say “who?” If we’re lucky they’ll actually KNOW the name of Elizabeth Barrett Browning without having to recite the first two lines of her most famous poems…

  5. April 22, 2010 10:44 pm

    I like your new word.Femogynist has a nice ring to it.

  6. Punisher permalink
    April 22, 2010 11:31 pm

    Abortion= greater killers of females in the womb worldwide

  7. sqt permalink
    April 23, 2010 1:14 am

    The pro-abort crowd is beyond dense. Don’t these women realize that they have made themselves disposable to the men who use them and throw them away? They have created a culture in which men use them for sex and move on because they know there is no accountability. Why give a damn about a woman who doesn’t give a damn about herself or the baby she would so callously kill? I have never known a woman who considered herself sexually “liberated” who actually seemed to enjoy the experience. Talk about grim. There’s no joy in mindlessly jumping in and out of different beds, knowing that you are just another notch on the bed post. These women cling to the delusion that they’re independent because it’s easier than dealing with the reality that they are not respected.

  8. Nancy permalink
    April 23, 2010 9:03 am

    I was pregnant with my first child when I was taking the final class and writing the final paper for my first Master’s degree (it was in Early Childhood Education). Note I said first. I have since gone on to earn a second Master’s and that was earned after I had had my second daughter. Both my daughters were still in elementary school when I began the work on the second Master’s. Far from preventing me from obtaining an education, they actually made some of the struggles with class work seem so much better when I could come home, snuggle with them in bed, read them a story, or just enjoy their company. They are both now bright, beautiful young women (unbiased opinion there) who have dreams and aspirations of their own that they are pursuing. The thought that the femiogynists would have advised me to kill either one of them to pursue the higher education that I have saddens me greatly. It is so sad that they have developed the ego protection they have in denying that what is destroyed by abortion is a child leaving behind a greatly wounded woman (and often other family members as well including the father). I pray for such women regularly, especially when I am in the midst of teaching the prenatal class at my local Pregnancy Care Center.

  9. April 23, 2010 7:44 pm

    Happy mom of four here, divorced and have embraced celibacy for spiritual reasons. Rejoicing in my life. I demand to be admitted into the League of SuperHeroes since it’s obvious to me now, thanks to the left for enlightening me, that it’s **humanly impossible** to be who I am.

    • Nancy permalink
      April 23, 2010 9:24 pm

      Don’t you know already that being a mom IS a superpower???

      • April 23, 2010 9:29 pm

        Where’s my SuperFriends membership card, then? I’m starting to feel………………..marginalized. *sniff*

        • Nancy permalink
          April 23, 2010 9:37 pm

          Well then just print off the following:

          This card certifies that Lisa Graas is an official
          Super Mom and brings with it all the benefits
          and privileges accorded to her position as Super
          Mom, level 4. Said benefits and privileges will be
          accorded from this date 4/23/2010 and forever.

          Use this card carefully. Remember with great power comes great responsibility………..but then you already know about the great responsibility as a mother of 4!!

          • April 23, 2010 9:48 pm

            Okaaaaaaaay…………..THATS-THE-NICEST-THING-ANYONE-HAS-DONE-FOR-ME-TODAY!!! Thank you!

          • Lori Ziganto permalink*
            April 23, 2010 9:53 pm

            Nancy, that is made of awesome!

            • Nancy permalink
              April 23, 2010 10:22 pm

              We moms, especially we pro-life moms, need to hang together. God blesses me with some good ideas sometimes. I’m glad that this one uplifted you both.

  10. flipster48 permalink
    April 23, 2010 10:37 pm

    My daughter chose life at age 18. Now her daughter is set to graduate hs and head to college in SC, where she, too, will stand for life. She’s already done so in her public hs. She stands her ground and won’t back down. Did I just quote Tom Petty?


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